Tag Archives: Cosplay

After 2 Months of Being Inactive

I LIVE!!!!!

It has been FOREVER since the last post I made on this blog! And I have to say things have gotten pretty crazy as of late. But not to worry I am back with more Kawaii Fitness stuff. But before that here is a quick recap of what happened while I was away. KHRAFTEESI. As you may or may not know, I opened a shop back in March 2014 called Khrafteesi. It is an accessory shop that is focused on Kawaii (cute) and Otaku/geeky merchandise, and as part of my endeavors, I decided to exhibit them over at a major cosplay event in manila called COSMANIA14. So I was very much preoccupied with that as well as prepping my cosplays.

I don’t want to bore you with those details since this is a “fitness” blog of sorts. So lets tackle fitness. I stopped going to the gym for almost more than 2 months now due to my busy schedule and I have pigged out a lot so i’m sad to say that I have gone back up a few pounds. I’m back to 133-134 lbs so that is a bit of a bummer but it was expected. But since the busy schedules are over and sem break is right around the corner, it is TIME to get back to fitness! I couldn’t be more excited! I miss the gym, I miss the sore. I miss eating healthy. I miss it all. Hopefully I will be able to bring more of the kawaii side of fitness more now. I have been trying to gather up some personal materials for you to make working out and staying healthy fun, easy, and cute. Anyway so expect new posts from me soon. If you do have some comments or suggestions please do leave them in the comment box below. I’d love to hear from you.

100 Days To Cosplay Phisique Feat. Mirajane

Motivation of the day:

Dont wish for it work for it Fitness motivation

Food Log:

Breakfast: Boiled Cardava banana 2 pcs and 1/2 serving of Arrozcaldo

Lunch: 1/2 cup rice, 1 chinese spring roll, 1/4 chicken breast soup, 1/4 serving bitter gourd

Snack: 1 lumpiang ubod, 3 chocolate chip cookies, 2 egg cakes by FuFu’s kawaii cooking studio

Dinner: 2pcs of chicken

Water: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]

Workout Log:

Muay Thai and Circuit = 2 hours total


Greetings everyone! Yes! I’m finally back from the dead and Im back for more “pushing myself to be better.” Things have been so hectic lately and I’m just so glad that I am finding my footing once again. Now lets get down to business shall we?

I like to work on myself one goal at a time to avoid getting discouraged.  I have managed to reach some of my goals but not yet all since I keep adding to them. 

Now, as some of you may or may not know, one of my hobbies is cosplaying. Yes I like to dress up in costumes and pretend to be a character from a japanese cartton or anything or anyone fictional.  This year I challenged myself to cosplay one of my favourite Fairy Tail characters, Mirajane. 

cute mirajane

Yes that cute and sweet older sister. Actually no. not that version but THIS VERSION BELOW

mirajane satan soul hhalphas

Why did I chose this version? Well it is a challenge in both phisical and craft wise. But here on this blog I will be focused on the Physical aspect of this challenging cosplay. 

I chose mirajane because we are so very similar in many ways. First of all she is the eldest just like me. She has two siblings, and I have 2 too. We are both very sweet in nature and is eay to get along with. But when you piss us off… well that is a whole other story. Body wise, she is not stick thin nor are her proportions out of this world. Yes we have the same body type; curvy, big bewbs, shapely ass and thighs. So I think it really is perfect. The only difference is, I need to lose a little bit more around the waist so that i can bare my midriff like in the photo. 13  

So that is my goal, to be mirajane ready in 100 days. 

What steps am I going to take in order to achieve said goal?

Clean eating (logging everything down)
weight training and lotsa cardio

Yeah.. that is basically it. 10

With that I end my post with some photos of my at the gym.

Kawaii  Fitness blogger 

Lara Novales
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Final Exams and Projects

I’m sure you may have noticed my lack of updates lately here on this blog. Its mainly because fo the End Term season and Final exams week. It been so crazy lately in my head that I can’t even go to the gym and I have been stuffing my face full of sugary stuff and unhealthy eats just to cope with the stresses of it all. But its okay. I know I can do this.

I just finished my Sociology End Term project on Cosplay and it was a success (i hope) now I can finally focus on my Psychology project (centerd on the psychosocial problems found within the family) I have tomorrow and saturday to film it. and then I need to be able to finihsh editing it by the 27th so it will be ready by the 28th.

Okay I’m sure I’m boring you with all this academic post.

As for fitness is concerned, as I said earlier, I’m pretty much too mentally occupied to think about my weight lifting and weight training. I’m just not able to concentrate on both school and fitness at the same time. Specially now I’m kinda not feeling the whole college life.

Anyway, i just wanted to let you guys know that.

Boring update.

Forgive the blogger 😉


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20% Body Fat Goal


Day 1 2014

So, am I going to gun for a post a day once more during this year? I don’t know how long I will last in posting everyday like before but I will do my best and try.

So the start of a new year means a brand new clean slate and another chapter in our lives opens up. Like always, we write the stories in our books of life. its going to be a very exciting year! As for me and my blog Thinspirational Journey, I want to thank all those people who are following me and my rollercoaster journey to fitness. I’m not really a good example to most but to those people who send me really nice messages and emails, thank you. It really means a lot when you say that I’ve inspired you to become better.

I have been writing this blog for about 2 years now and my progress is slow and it yoyo’s a lot. But I have conquered obesity. I’m now at a healthy BMI, but I want to push myself into losing body fat instead of sheer pounds.

So this year my aim is to reach 20% body fat before August.

Right now I am at 35% body fat and that means I have about 15% to go in order to reach my goal. This means I need to be even more strict with my diet and also shred it in the gym and at home. I have no room for excuses.

Here is one of the main reasons why I want to reach this body fat percentage. This 2014, I have plans to cosplay characters whose outfits are really sexy. You can read all about my cosplay plans here:

Cosplans for 2014 | Midriff Madness

So there you have it, my cosplans for 2014. This year I’m really going to try and go all out on my cosplay. This is my other hobby and my passion and my dream since I was a little girl and I want to be as accurate as possible, including my body type.

So today I started two challenges 1st is:

21 Day No Junk Food Challenge
Squat Till you Drop Challenge

It was fairly easy, for now. But I know as time progresses its going to get harder and harder. So wish me luck.

Usually I write my new year’s resolutions but this time around I just want to focus on one for my fitness endeavors. 20% body fat!

Lara Krystle Novales

2013 Comes to a Close

2013 is coming to a close and we are all excited for the new year. For a lot of us, it marks a new day and a new beginning for our fitness endeavors.

Truth be told, I haven’t been feeling well and I don’t have the motivation to update this blog the past week mainly because I haven’t been going to the gym because it is the holidays. But on the 2nd of January, I heard its going to be open again so I’m going to start working out again.

I really feel a great deal of difference when I go and when I don’t go to the gym or workout.

Anyway, did you see our new challenge for January? Check it out :

-> 30 Day Squat Till You Drop Challenge <-

30 day Squat till you Drop ChallengeIts going to be loads of fun. I’m going to start doing this on the 1st of January. You are all welcome to join. Several other people are going to do this as well.

So in the next few days I will just be posting some fun image sets for ya’ll. Oh and also I put up my other blog mainly for my Cosplay and crafting stuff, you’re more than welcome to drop by sometime over at:

Lara’s Cosplay Misadventures

Bannerdfs medium size

Anyway I will keep this short.

What kind of content do you want me to post more on this coming 2014? Do you want more workout challenges? Recipes? Video Blogs? Photos?  Please let me know in the comment section below.

Lara Krystle Novales