Crazy Mid Term week

Hello everyone, this is going to be a very brief post.

It is the mid term week right now and I have been busy with reviewing and exams. I regret to inform you all that there will be no Gym recap posted this weekend because I really wont have any time for it. Also I’m venturing into opening a small business so that also keeps me preoccupied along with school and fitness. I’m doing my best to balance everything out so I can really use my time efficiently while still have some quality time for myself and for relaxation with and/or without friends.

So I just wanted to say that.

Thank you for your patience

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3 thoughts on “Crazy Mid Term week

    1. Lara Post author

      Thank you.
      my mind is just so burned up right now from all the reviewing. ^_^ But I still go to the gym. Just don’t have the time to blog this week 😦



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